"We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams." ~ Arthur O'Shaughnessy

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

How the Universe Functions; Law of Attraction Supported by Latest Quantum Experiments

Breakthroughs in quantum experiments have revealed that our universe may in fact be a simulation. In the quantum double slit experiment scientists discovered not only that everything in our universe translates as resonance waves but also those waves are manipulated by being observed. 

Quantum physics is the study of how light and matter behave at the smallest observable level known to modern science. These quantum particles are observed in different ways in order to explain the nature of reality in our universe. Think of it as anatomy of the cosmos. When we first observed the smallest particles in our bodies we better understood their functions allowing us to cure illness and perform operations. Learning about how the universe works is the key to understanding it’s function, imagine what we could do with that.

The universe at a quantum level is naturally in a waveform state. These vibratory wave forms change to particles as soon as we observe them and make a decision about how it should behave.  This indicates that when we hold a belief the universe literally forms it and creates a reality for it. The trouble we run into can be described with an analogy to archery. If when we make a decision the waveform of the universe turns that decision into reality it’s like the wave becomes an arrow aimed at only one specific target. Where as the waveform lands many little arrows all at seemingly random points suggesting that the waveform could direct us to any of these points as long as we don’t form a solid belief about how the waves get there. Giving your attention to something draws it to you, as does your whole attitude toward life so we must learn to project what we want to attract.

According to these findings everything in our universe responds to how we perceive it. Physical scientific proof that we are in control of our own destiny yet we lack the mental toolbox to accept and use this to it’s full potential. Or do we? What if it were like tuning into a radio station? Imagine the universe is made of sound waves. If you vibrate at a certain frequency there is a sound. You can resonate at any frequency you want by feeling it. Your instrument of communicating with the universe is your true feelings. Resonance = disposition. The idea is that if you decide to resonate with love, the highest frequency there is, life in general is better and you are happier. However resonate at a low frequency such as fear, and you find it hard to believe any higher frequencies exist. You just can’t hear that music. How we feel determines the internal music we listen to and by consciously changing what we want to hear it changes our frequency. 

We can tune into a frequency like a favorite radio station but life will cause it to become fuzzy or even change from time to time. The whole philosophy is that you are in control of your radio. Your thoughts and the feelings attached to them are what control the radio station. When you’re happy, and positive and loving life you’re listening to the best radio station in existence. You just have to decide, I want to hear that music and tune in. According to the law of attraction, that which is like unto itself is drawn. If it were a musical game you would simply play the melody you wanted to hear played back to you. The music is played by adjusting your thoughts to produce the feeling you wish to maintain. This is where we will run into trouble because changing our thoughts from negative to positive takes constant work over our entire lifetime. Not easy but definitely worth a try since it seems that might be why we’re all here. There is another element to all of this, contrast. There will always be duality in life, light and dark, male and female. The point of existence seems to be expansion. We can never reach an end to this process as long as we are alive. We will always be in a state of flux, even if we succeed in controlling our vibration there will be moments of upheaval and strife for us to grow from. In this way we are expanding and evolving. I think it’s possible that as we evolve we might cause the universe to expand.

If there were ever a way to unlock the magic of our brain’s full capacity wouldn’t it be to speak the language of the universe? Have you ever been to a concert and felt the incredible energy of all the people there having an amazing experience together? Then maybe you’ve noticed you’re just happier for the next few days. That’s an example of vibration effecting our lives in a positive way. being in an intensely positive environment raises your vibration, being in a negative one lowers it. If you agree, and want to start changing your thoughts today please have patience with yourself. It takes time, the struggle is very real. It took me years to get to this level of understanding. I highly recommend listening to Alan Watts or Abraham-Hicks on youtube. (links below) Please try meditation, it really is the easiest path to answering the questions your mind rests on the most. 

*I have referenced both sources that are easy to understand and scholarly ones that make my head hurt to back up my claims. Namaste.

Scholarly Reference:
Young’s Double-Slit Experiment With Single Photons and Quantum Eraser

Other References:
Dr. Quantum - Double Slit Experiment (Embedded in article above.)

Quantum Eraser: (Explains how scientists proved the waves only happen when unobserved.)

Experiment notes:
(from the quantum eraser video)
Scientists delay observing particle/waves until after they’ve passed through the slits and just before they hit the screen. 
@6:50 - 8:37
They found that observance changes waves into particles and the pattern on the screen will always be 2 slits (the way particles would behave) if the path to the outcome is known. However the interference pattern will always occur if the path to the screen is not known to the observer. This was tested in the lab using reflectors to bounce the waveforms off and redirect to randomized screens so their paths could not be determined. The conclusion was that as long as the subatomic particles that make up our universe are not being observed and scrutinized they are waves of potential, and when they are observed with knowledge they become one focused point with one destination.
5:13 - 6:45
Not only does the observer turn wave functions into particles at the quantum level but when they do so, it appears they always were so. This indicates that the observer’s influence has a retroactive effect on reality. 

*The way I understand this is with another theory called the many worlds theory. If our decisions are infinite, there might be a reality to accommodate all of them. Why not? I think this theory makes sense in conjunction with the retroactive effect the researchers observed. If you switch universes, some of your past may have to be rearranged. We would not notice this at all and simply think that all of our original memories were intact.

The science of parallel universes:
1. Bubble universes or (baby black hole universes)
  • Our universe is separated from others with black holes and some may exist inside black holes
  • If each bubble has it’s own law of physics, theoretically we could only exist in one.
2. Membranes and (extra dimensions)
  • Our universe is a 3 dimensional one contained within a supposed (9 dimensional) one. 
  • If there are 9 dimensions then theoretically it is possible there are many 3 dimensional realities stacked like newsprint which we can only observe by turning the page. (it is unknown if this is possible but “many worlds” suggests it could)
3. Many Worlds
-Every Possibility Exists. (Choose your own adventure)

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